SpaceAliens v2.0 by Jeremy Nelson, original code Quinn “The Eskimo”.
A drag and drop utility to fix the type and creator of any files dropped on the application based on its extension (suffix) and the database of extension mappings provided by Internet Config.
Internet Config
Note this application requires Internet Config. If you do not have Internet Config you can download the latest version from:
or find Internet Config documentation and information at:
About v2.0
The original SpaceAliens was example code distributed with Internet Config programmers SDK. I found the application useful so I've added some improvements:
• Much faster
• Will search recursively through folders or volumes dropped on the application
• Updates the Finder so that changes in the File and Creator information are displayed
• Plays nicely with other applications
• Displays a progress window
• Scriptable
The application and the application source code remain in the public domain. For source code check out the 'Source' directory of the FTP sites listed above. Bug reports, comments or questions should be addressed to:
Easy to use. By example:
tell application "SpaceAliensPPC"
open file "Volume:Directory:"
open file "Volume:File"
end tell
Sorry, this isn't meant to be a big production, but many thanks to Quinn for the original code and Peter N Lewis for his libraries, programming help and patience.